Blog Insights

Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We are committed to sustainable development as a guiding principle within our work and office environment. Concern for the environment is an integral and fundamental part of this commitment. It is at the forefront of our minds. Our aim is to reduce the impact on the environment from our operations and implement best practices across the business. We are committed […]

2020/21 Highlights

These past 18 months have been a rollercoaster for many. Through it all our clients have continued to give us some amazing briefs to answer and we're very thankful for those continuing partnerships. Here are some of the highlights captured in our showreel for 2020/21.

Investing in our environment

We've expanded our capability and expertise to be able to deliver a genuinely best in class, in-house studio, control room and production options for virtual, hybrid and live event experiences. All in a covid-free space.

A Covid-secure live events app for the many

We're delighted to feature on C&IT Magazine's news pages this week having hosted editor Calum di Lieto at our London office recently to talk all things Liber App. Our CEO David Watt, revealed how technology is crucial in delivering a successful live event amid the global pandemic.

Where knowledge becomes power

As businesses rapidly become data-centric in their processes, Pearl can be an important partner in helping you to better understand business performance.

How women are taking on the men of banking. Winning in the boardroom and at Cannes 2017.

In honour of International Women’s Day, McCann NY introduces 'The Fearless Girl' - a statue of a daring young girl, standing strong in front of the bull on Wall Street. Why? Because companies with women in leadership perform better.

Revolutionising the shopping experience

Once upon a time, they said we’d never buy shoes online.  Now 45% of  US shoppers say they’ve purchased clothes, shoes and accessories online, with 67% of Millennials preferring to shop online rather than in store.

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